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Keynote Lectures
Prof. João Gama
Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support
INESC-Porto, University of Porto, Portugal
Challenges in Learning from Streaming Data
Abstract: Data streams became ubiquitous as many sources produce data continuously and rapidly. Examples of streaming data include sensor networks, customer click streams, telephone records, web logs, multimedia data, sets of retail chain transactions, etc. These data sources are characterized by continuous generating huge amounts of data from non stationary distributions. Data Streams have brought new challenges to the data mining research community. In consequence, new techniques are needed to process streaming data in reasonable time and space. The goal of this talk is to present and discuss the research problems, issues and challenges in learning from data streams. We will present the state-of-the-art techniques and highlight applications of mining data streams in different domains.
João Gama received his Licenciado degree from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal (FEUP) in Electrical and Computer Engineering. In 2000 he received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Faculty of Sciences of the same University. He joined the Faculty of Economy (FEP) where he holds the position of Assistant Professor. He is also a senior researcher at LIAAD (Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence and Decision Aid), a group belonging to INESC Porto LA. He has worked in projects and authored papers in areas related to machine learning, data streams and adaptive learning systems and is a member of the editorial board of international journals in his area of expertise.

Prof. Mirjana Ivanovic
Department of Mathematics and Informatics
Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Agreement Technologies and Multi-Agent Environments
Abstract: Agreement is one of the crucial social concepts necessary in our everyday life that helps human agents to cope with their social environment. Agreements are present in all human interactions and without them there is no cooperation in social systems.
Situation rapidly changed in the last thirty years as a consequence of development of different disciplines like social psychology, sociobiology, social neuroscience, multi-agent artificial systems. Presently, agreement and all the processes and mechanisms implicated in reaching agreements between different kinds of agents are a subject of perspective research activities.
Agent Technology is the latest paradigm of software engineering methodology. The development of autonomous, mobile, and intelligent agents brings new challenges. Multi-agent-system researchers have started to develop agents with "social" abilities and complex "social" systems.
Agreement Technologies refer to computer systems in which autonomous software agents negotiate with one another, typically on behalf of humans, in order to come to mutually acceptable agreements.
The goal of this talk is to present and discuss the research problems, issues and challenges in Agreement Technologies. We will present the state-of-the-art in this area and highlight influence of Agreement Technologies on multi-agent environments.
Biography: Since 2002 holds position of full professor at Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. She is head of Chair of Computer Science and University Council for informatics. Author or co-author is, of 13 textbooks and of more than 250 research papers, most of which are published in international journals and international conferences. She is/was a member of Program Committees of more than 120 international Conferences and is Editor-in-Chief of Computer Science and Information Systems Journal.
Research Interests: agent technologies, intelligent techniques (CBR, data and web mining), e-learning and web-based learning, software engineering education.

Prof. Damir Kalpić
Department of Applied Computing
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia
A Review of Obstacles Observed while Applying Optimisation and Information Systems in Practice
Abstract: For many years, as a natural extension to their teaching activities and scientific research, the author and his team have been offering development of non-standard and complex software applications and information systems, and information technology related consultancy. They have experienced in their home country the communist times, time of war, transitional economy and finally the status of a country in European Union. Through all these times, optimization and/or software support to decision-making have been among their preferred tasks, often actively offered to users. During these years, a significant number of cases have demonstrated obstacles that were hindering this activity. The paper attempts an analysis of these obstacles, which are rarely clearly visible and nearly never explicitly expressed. Some of them may have become obsolete, although there is evidence in revered literature that in even the most developed economies similar wrong practices still exist. The reasons for obstacles principally may be located in wrong, insufficient or contrary motivation, in ignorance, and in natural resistance to any change. Motivating management practices can help in surmounting some of the obstacles.
Damir Kalpić is full professor with tenure at the Department of applied computing of the Faculty of electrical engineering and computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia. At the Faculty, he performed the duties of chief executive officer, dean’s aide, vice-dean for scientific activities and head of department. Professionally, he designs and supports the development of information systems, and applies operational research in business, state administration and different services. He has lectured algorithms and data structures, operational research and some topics related to information systems, on graduate and postgraduate level, at his home institution, on other universities and abroad. He was leading tens of practical projects, advised hundreds of graduates, tens masters of science and mentored ten defended doctoral theses. He authored or co-authored journal articles, delivered invited lectures, and published papers in proceedings of international conferences. He can communicate, in descending fluency, in English, German, Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese.