Detailed conference programme

AI - Artificial Inteligence, Wednesday (10.09.2014) 8:30 - 10:30 Hall 1
Chair/Co-chair: Andrea Kulakov, Vladimir Trajkovik
1 Ilkay Ulusoy, Yousef Rezaitabar and Nihan Çiçekli. "A Tracking System for the Recognition of Long Term Events in Surveillance Videos"
2 Miloš Savić, Mirjana Ivanović, Miloš Radovanović, Zoran Ognjanović, Aleksandar Pejović and Tatjana Jakšić Krüger. "Exploratory analysis of communities in co-authorship networks: A case study"
3 Vasilija Uzunova and Andrea Kulakov. "Sentiment analysis of movie reviews written in Macedonian language"
4 Jelena Graovac and Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić. "Language-Independent Sentiment Polarity Detection in Movie Reviews: A Case Study of English and Spanish"
5 Poyraz Hatipoğlu, Örsan Aytekin, İlkay Ulusoy and Uğur Halıcı. "Saliency Anlysis for High Resolution Satellite Images with Challenging Contents"
6 Vesna Kirandziska and Nevena Ackovska. "Human perception of emotions in a model for human-robot interaction"
SN - Social Networks, Wednesday (10.09.2014) 8:30 - 10:30 Hall 2
Chair/Co-chair: Smilka Janeska Sarkanjac, Ivan Chorbev
1 Vanja Smailovic, Darko Striga and Vedran Podobnik. "Advanced User Profiles for the SmartSocial Platform: Reasoning upon Multi-Source User Data"
2 Ivana Grujić, Sanja Bogdanović-Dinić and Leonid Stoimenov. "Collecting and Analyzing Data from E-Government Facebook Pages"
3 Filip Andonovski and Ivan Chorbev. "Clustering of tweets from popular athletes"
4 Mimoza Bogdanoska Jovanovska, Blagoj Ristevski and Violeta Manevska. "Social Network Analysis as a Suitable Tool for Business Process Reengineering"
5 Kostadin Mishev, Vlatko Nikolovski and Igor Mishkovski. "Smart, Personalized and Social IPTV based on currently provided infrastructure"
6 Snezana Cerepnalkovska Dukovska, Smilka Janeska Sarkanjac and Ljupcho Antovski. "Behavioral Attribute Driven System for Smart Targeting"
HPC - High-performance computing, Wednesday (10.09.2014) 8:30 - 10:30 Hall 3
Chair/Co-chair: Anastas Mishev, Sonja Filiposka
1 Erion Çano. "Simulation of L2 Cache Separation Impact in CPU Performance"
2 Vedran Miletić, Martina Holenko Dlab and Nataša Hoić-Božić. "Optimizing ELARS Algorithms using NVIDIA CUDA Heterogeneous Parallel Programming Platform"
3 Sonja Filiposka, Anastas Mishev and Carlos Juiz. "Opportunities and Challenges for Green HPC"
4 Sasko Ristov, Marjan Gusev and Goran Velkoski. "Modeling the Speedup for Scalable Web Services"
5 Bojana Koteska, Anastas Mishev and Ljupco Pejov. "Magnetic Response Properties of Aqueous Aluminium(III) Ion: A Hybrid Statistical Physics – Quantum Mechanical Approach Implementing the Map-Reduce Computational Technique"
6 Zirije Hasani, Margita Kon-Popovska and Goran Velinov. "Lambda Architecture for Real Time Big Data Analytic"
E - Education, Wednesday (10.09.2014) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall 1
Chair/Co-chair: Vladimir Trajkovikj, Sime Arsenovski
1 Srdja Bjeladinovic and Zoran Marjanovic. "A Comparison and Integration of Ontologies Suitable for Interoperability Extension of SCOR Model"
2 Isak Shabani, Fatos Halilaj and Betim Cico. "The Process of Continuous Evaluation in Higher Education Using Competences - In Case of Competence Software in University of Prishtina"
3 Tomche Delev and Dejan Gjorgjevikj. "A study on implementation and usage of web based programming assesment system: Code"
4 Mence Ivanovska, Leonid Djinevski and Sime Arsenovski. "Computational Module as a Tool for Financial Viability Analysis in Decision Making Process in Private University Institutions"
S - Software, Wednesday (10.09.2014) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall 2
Chair/Co-chair: Sonja Filiposka, Ivan Chorbev
1 Drazen Brdjanin, Goran Banjac and Slavko Maric. "Automated Synthesis of Initial Conceptual Database Model Based on Collaborative Business Process Model"
2 Kumar Sridharamurthy and Varaprasad Golla. "Development of Efficient Traffic Monitoring Model for Vehicle Area Network"
3 Damjan Temelkovski and Ljerka Beus-Dukic. "Model-Based Engineering in Real-Time Embedded Systems: Specifying Timing Constraints"
4 Martin Cvetkovski and Ivan Chorbev. "Implementing continuous integration in a web based medical software"
N - Networks, Wednesday (10.09.2014) 17:00 - 18:30 Hall 3
Chair/Co-chair: Dejan Spasov, Dimitar Trajanov
1 Miroslav Mirchev, Lasko Basnarkov and Ljupco Kocarev. "Cooperation among non-identical oscillators connected in different topologies"
2 Spase Stojanovski and Andrea Kulakov. "Efficient attacks in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks"
3 Vasantha M and Varaprasad Golla. "Advanced Mobility Management System for Wireless Mesh Networks Based on Pointer"
4 Igor Jakimovski and Dejan Spasov. "Modeling and Simulation of Routing Protocols in the Cloud"
C - Cryptography, Thursday (11.09.2014) 9:00 - 11:00 Hall 1
Chair/Co-chair: Verica Bakeva, Tolga Yalcin
1 Furkan Sahin, Tolga Yalcin and Fatih Ugurdag. "Combined AES + AEGIS Architectures for High Performance and Lightweight Security Applications"
2 Verica Bakeva, Vesna Dimitrova and Mile Kostadinoski. "Pseudo random sequence generators based on the parastrophic quasigroup transformation"
3 Natasha Ilievska and Danilo Gligoroski. "Error-Detecting Code using Linear Quasigroups"
4 Dejan Spasov. "Improving the Decoding Complexity of Turbo Codes"
5 Vesna Dimitrova, Mile Kostadinoski, Zlatka Trajcheska, Marija Petkovska and Damjan Buhov. "Some Cryptanalysis of the Block Cipher BCMPQ"
I - Internet, Thursday (11.09.2014) 9:00 - 11:00 Hall 2
Chair/Co-chair: Lasko Basnarkov, Sonja Filiposka
1 Bojan Najdenov, Hristijan Pejchinoski, Kristina Cieva, Milos Jovanovik and Dimitar Trajanov. "Open Financial Data from the Macedonian Stock Exchange"
2 Igor Kulev, Elena Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Saso Koceski and Vladimir Trajkovik. "Evaluating an ordered list of recommended physical activities within health care system"
3 Luan Ruçi, Luan Karçanaj and Olimpjon Shurdi. "Nokia Windows Mobile’s Power Consumption Measurements and Analysis"
4 Bojan Najdenov, Milos Jovanovik and Dimitar Trajanov. "VEO: an Ontology for CO2 Emissions from Vehicles"
5 Maja Ivanova and Kosta Mitreski. "Simulated PM10 Particles in 3 location in Skopje using HYSPLIT model"
6 Bane Georgievski, Veno Pachovski and Biljana Stojcevska. "An Implementation Of A NoSQL Based Web Crawler For Image Storage And Retrieval"
Workshop: MLLS 1 - Machine Learning in Life Sciences, Thursday (11.09.2014) 9:00 - 11:00 Hall 3
Chair/Co-chair: Michał Woźniak, Bartosz Krawczyk
1 Bartosz Krawczyk and Michał Woźniak. "Hypertension Type Classification Using Hierarchical Ensemble of One-Class Classifiers for Imbalanced Data"
2 Bartosz Krawczyk and Michał Woźniak. "Handling Label Noise in Microarray Classification with One-Class Classifier Ensemble"
3 Dr Inż. Konrad Jackowski, Dariusz Jankowski and Dragan Simic. "Migraine Diagnosis Support System Based On Classifier Ensemble"
4 Monika Simjanoska and Ana Madevska Bogdanova. "Novel Methodology for CRC Biomarkers Detection with Leave-one-out Bayesian Classification"
5 Katarina Trojacanec, Ivan Kitanovski, Ivica Dimitrovski, Suzana Loshkovska and Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. "New Representation of Information Extracted from MRI Volumes Applied to Alzheimer’s Disease"
Workshop: MAESTRA - Learning from Massive, Incompletely annotated, and Structured Data, Thursday (11.09.2014) 15:00 - 17:00 Hall 1
Chair/Co-chair: Ivica Dimitrovski, Gjorgji Madjarov
1 Katarina Trojacanec. "Content Based Retrieval of MRI in the Context of Alzheimer's Disease"
2 Ivan Kitanovski. "Medical Image Retrieval using Multimodal Data"
3 Dario Stojanovski. "Building a Twitter Analysis and Visualization Tool - TweetViz"
4 Gjorgji Strezoski. "Deep Learning in Image Understanding"
5 Aleksandar Stojmenski. "Android Application for Flower Recognition"
Workshop: FUPOL - ICT tools for Future Policy Modelling, Thursday (11.09.2014) 15:00 - 17:00 Hall 2
FUPOL Chair/Co-chair: Marjan Gusev, Peter Sonntagbauer
1 Susanne Sonntagbauer and Peter Sonntagbauer. "Forecasting E-Participation Success"
2 S. Tomic Rotim. "Applying FUPOL in City of Zagreb"
3 M. Moise, D. Paul Pop. "Results of FUPOL Training Sessions in pilot cities"
4 A. Avukatov, M. Ringov, L. Markic. "Applying FUPOL social media tools in City of Skopje"
5 Marjan Gushev, Goran Velkoski, Ana Guseva and Sasko Ristov. "Urban Policy Modelling: A Generic Approach"
Workshop: MLLS 2 - Machine Learning in Life Sciences, Thursday (11.09.2014) 15:00 - 17:00 Hall 3
Chair/Co-chair: Michał Woźniak, Bartosz Krawczyk
1 Emre Dandıl, Murat Çakıroğlu and Ziya Ekşi. "Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Malign and Benign Brain Tumors on MR Images"
2 Dragan Bosnacki, Huub ten Eikelder, Marieke Maanders and Peter Hilbers. "Robustness of the Gray Code Arrangements of the Genetic Code in Mitochondria"
3 Kire Trivodaliev, Ilinka Ivanoska, Slobodan Kalajdziski and Ljupco Kocarev. "Novel Gene Ontology Based Distance Metric for Function Prediction via Clustering in Protein Interaction Networks"
4 Georgina Mirceva. "Method for Determination of the Protein Functions Based on the Global and Local Characteristics of the Structure"
5 Boris Simovski and Ana Madevska-Bogdanova. "Frequent itemset mining for discovering co-occurring genomic tracks"
PR - Pattern recognition, Friday (12.09.2014) 8:30 - 10:30 Hall 1
Chair/Co-chair: Igor Trajkovski, Gjorgji Madjarov
1 Ivana Marković, Miloš Stojanović, Miloš Božić and Jelena Stanković. "Stock market trend prediction based on the LS-SVM model update algorithm"
2 Marina Ivasic-Kos, Miran Pobar and Ivo Ipsic. "Automatic Movie Posters Classification into Genres"
3 Daniel Spasovski, Goran Peshanski, Gjorgji Madjarov and Dejan Gjorgjevikj. "Robustness of Speech Recognition System of Isolated Speech in Macedonian"
4 Goran Peshanski, Daniel Spasovski and Gjorgji Madjarov. "The Influence the Training Set Size Has on the Performance of a Digit Speech Recognition System in Macedonian"
5 Rasim Salkoski and Ljubinka Gjergjeska. "Design optimization of power objects based on Constrained non-linear minimization, Genetic algorithms and Differential Evolution Algorithms"
6 Igor Trajkovski. "Linear programming approach for online advertising"
M - Medical, Friday (12.09.2014) 08:30 - 10:30 Hall 2
Chair/Co-chair: Ivica Dimitrovski, Andrea Kulakov
1 Ana Kostadinovska, Gert-Jan de Vries, Gijs Geleijnse and Katerina Zdravkova. "Employing Personal Health Records for Population Health Management"
2 Luzie Schreiter, Ammar Mohammed, Joerg Raczkowsky and Heinz Woern. "Using the mutual exclusion protocol for safety in the area of robotic surgery"
3 Ivan Kitanovski, Katarina Trojacanec, Ivica Dimitrovski and Suzana Loskovska. "Text-based Medical Image Retrieval using Query Modification Methods"
4 Aleksandar Stojmenski, Boban Joksimoski and Dragan Mihajlov. "Efforts in using 3d printing and scanning in medicine"
5 Carlo Ciulla, Ustijana Reckoska Shikoska, Dijana Capeska Bogatinoska, Filip Risteski and Dimitar Veljanovski. "Biomedical Image Processing of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Pathological Human Brain: An Intensity-Curvature Based Approach"
6 Petre Lameski, Darko Kulakov, Eftim Zdravevski and Andrea Kulakov. "Tumor detection in manually selected regions of MRI images"
Poster session 1, Thursday (11.09.2014) 11:30 - 12:30 FTU hall
1 Jian-Qin Liu and Wuyi Yue. A New Networked Filter Method for Robust Stability Analysis of Software Defined Networks"
2 Nenad Kojic, Irini Reljin, Branimir Reljin. "Hopfield Neural Network for Dynamic Routing Based on Multi Parameters"
3 Mihaela Carina Raportaru. "Thermal transition in nonlinear lattices"
4 Angel Janev and Momčilo Ranđelović. "Online algebra generator and web generated presentation of technical, especially mathematical expressions which contain variables"
5 Angel Janev and Momčilo Ranđelović. "Online generator of dynamic generated geometrical forms, Web generated representation of geometrical shapes"
6 Nikola Slavkovic, Ana Savic, Natalija Vugdelija. "The Analyses of Relationship Between the Country`s Level of Development and Digital Literacy through the Digital Natives Activity in Serbia"
Poster session 2, Thursday (11.09.2014) 14:00 - 15:00 FTU hall
1 Ana Savic, Nenad Kojic, Nikola Slavkovic. "Risk Prediction According to Basel III Based on Artificial Intelligence"
2 Roberto Pasic, Ilija Jolevski, Aleksandar Markoski. "Vehicle sensor node for smart parking's of the future"
3 Karen Duarte, Jose Cecilio, Jorge Sa Silva, and Pedro Furtado. "Assistive system for Blind People on Shopping"
4 Milan Pavlović, Dragan Ristić, Irini Reljin, Miomir Mijić. "Using nonlinear signal processing in detecting reflections in room impulse response"
5 Dimitrija Angelkov and Cveta Martinovska. "Control and Monitoring Winemaking Process Online"
6 Marko S. Andjelkovic, Goran S. Ristic. "Current Mode Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry: An Overview of the State of the Art"
Poster highlights - Presentation order
Chair/Co-chair: Dejan Gjorgjevikj, Ana Madevska Bogdanova
1 Jian-Qin Liu and Wuyi Yue. A New Networked Filter Method for Robust Stability Analysis of Software Defined Networks"
2 Nenad Kojic, Irini Reljin, Branimir Reljin. "Hopfield Neural Network for Dynamic Routing Based on Multi Parameters"
3 Mihaela Carina Raportaru. "Thermal transition in nonlinear lattices"
4 Nikola Slavkovic, Ana Savic, Natalija Vugdelija. "The Analyses of Relationship Between the Country`s Level of Development and Digital Literacy through the Digital Natives Activity in Serbia"
5 Ana Savic, Nenad Kojic, Nikola Slavkovic. "Risk Prediction According to Basel III Based on Artificial Intelligence"
6 Karen Duarte, Jose Cecilio, Jorge Sa Silva, and Pedro Furtado. "Assistive system for Blind People on Shopping"
7 Milan Pavlović, Dragan Ristić, Irini Reljin, Miomir Mijić. "Using nonlinear signal processing in detecting reflections in room impulse response"
8 Angel Janev and Momčilo Ranđelović. "Online algebra generator and web generated presentation of technical, especially mathematical expressions which contain variables"
9 Angel Janev and Momčilo Ranđelović. "Online generator of dynamic generated geometrical forms, Web generated representation of geometrical shapes"
10 Roberto Pasic, Ilija Jolevski, Aleksandar Markoski. "Vehicle sensor node for smart parking's of the future"
11 Dimitrija Angelkov and Cveta Martinovska. "Control and Monitoring Winemaking Process Online"
12 Marko S. Andjelkovic, Goran S. Ristic. "Current Mode Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry: An Overview of the State of the Art"